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Who Are We?

“Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought”Albert Szent – Gyorgyi  

Orteron (T.O) Ltd is a private company organized under the laws of the State of Israel with an address at Tel Chai 1a Kfar Saba, 4420602, Israel and founded in 2012.

The company has developed a very unique and pioneering bio- technology named Tetron Protein Reset Technology (TPRT) with several important and useful industrial and pharmaceutical applications.

The company is directed by Dr. Tamar Levin and Mrs Orit Ish-Yemini who are also the inventors of Orteron’s bio-technology

The company capital resource is based on several individual investors

In 2018 Orteron’s company has founded its subsidiary company – ENP (T.O) Ltd – which focuses on specific  applications  of  TPRT  for upgrading the Growth and Qualities of Plants and Agricultural Crops

Our Story

  1. It started with a personal pain

We, Tamar and Orit, the 2 founders of Orteron company, had personal experiences in their families with their dearest husband and daughter, who were neurologically sick and suffered greatly from two different neurological diseases (ALS  – Lou Gehrig’s disease and Erythromelalgia). Our painful and prolonged hard experiences when accompanying our sick loved ones motivated us to set ourselves a life goal:  to find a cure for diverse neurological diseases so that no-one would suffer like our loved ones.

2.  Turning Ideas to a concept

Then, when thinking ‘out of the box’ and crossing the boundaries of accepted and conservative knowledge, together with creativity and multidisciplinary integration of abilities among ourselves, along with inexhaustible determination, we conceptualized the structure of the technology and its capabilities

3.  Turning the concept to a startup company

During this process we succeeded in raising funds from partners that were strangers to us. We were also able to excite and gain trust from professionals who advised us with their expertise and accompanied us during parts of our path.

From this point on, our long, interesting, successful and not always easy journey started and is still on. Moreover, when noticing the successful experiments we performed, it strengthened us: realizing that we are on the right path to success, to fulfil our mission, and to even  broaden the types of diseases to be treated and cured.

Our Mission Statement

To find a cure for neuropathic diseases* degenerative diseases of the brain**, and skin disorders and diseases ***

To fulfil the vision of practicing regenerative medicine and individual-based medicine by using a unique  and easy-to-use technology

*Such as Lupus, Guillain-Barre syndrome, chronic inflammatory; **Such as: Alzheimer, Parkinson, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease; *** Such as: Psoriasis,, Atopic dermatitis and Urticaria and Epidermolysis Bullosa

Mission Statement regarding families of diseases