“What is now proved was once only imagined” ~ William Blake
A Unique Technology
- The Biotechnology named Tetron Protein Reset Technology (TPRT) has a European Certification for Industrial usages : AW:CE- Certification 417. 229 .1 (The technology has not been named TPRT at the time of the certification examination but was described as Orteron Plasma Device)
- Our bio-technology, TPRT, is based on non-thermal (cold) physical plasma at atmospheric pressure (physical plasma defined as the 4th state of matter = completely or partially ionized gases).
Unlike most non-thermal (cold) plasma technologies or devices, our bio-technology uses the non-thermal plasma in conjunction with additional components, which gives the technology the unique and breakthrough capabilities.
Orteron’s Bio-Technology (TPRT) synergistically facilitates an interaction among:
(i) Non-Thermal Physical Plasma
(Completely or partially ionized gases of predefined compositions and emission parameters (overall duration, distance from subject/object, etc.)); and
(ii) Predefined architecture of small magnets; and
(iii) Unique 3D orientation of special reflectors.
All of these components are coordinated and when operated in conjunction with each other, a modified plasma field with a very unique kind of energy frequency is synergistically generated.
Major characteristics of TPRT
- Catalyzes biological or chemical processes without reagents
- Produces natural/native proteins without genetic engineering processes
- Dual mechanism of action: Initial action on surface of object or subject, and effects penetrate inward, inducing changes in object or subject;
- Utilizable for both small and large subjects and objects
- Has both systemic effects and organ-targeted effects
- Successfully operates over a wide range of:
- in vitro and in vivo systems
- micro-organisms and eukaryotes
- Uses a mechanism which allows users choice and decision flexibility (enabling users to select operating modes which suits the target subject/object and operating time linked to diverse outcomes)
- Green technology – avoids use of hazardous materials and yields results without polluting products
- Operates quickly
- Easy, simple & intuitive to use
- Orteron bio-technology TPRT (Tetron Protein Reset Technology) was built according to Orteron’s specifications by neoplas GmbH, a company organized under the laws of Germany with an address at Walther-Rathenau Str. 49a 17489 Greifswald, Germany.